01.19.02 12 volunteers 840 lbs
04.06.02 36 volunteers 2 tons
07.07.02 150 volunteers 4 tons
01.18. 03 100 volunteers 1 ton
04.25.03 200 volunteers 4 tons
07.06.03 300 volunteers 6 tons
01.23.04 130 volunteers 3 tons
04.25.04 150 volunteers 4 tons
07.05.04 400 volunteers 8 tons
01.15.05 100 volunteers 3 tons
04.23.05 150 volunteers 2.5 tons
07.05.05 200 volunteers 7.5 tons
01.21.06 150 volunteers 5 tons
04.22.06 250 volunteers 4 tons
07.05.06 350 volunteers 4.5 tons
01.13.07 135 volunteers 3 tons
04.21.07 150 volunteers 3 tons
07.05.07 500 volunteers 10 tons
01.26.08 200 volunteers 2 tons
04.26.08 300 volunteers 3 tons
07.05.08 500+volunteers 17.5 tons
01.31.09 450 volunteers 8 tons
04.0?.09 ? volunteers 6.5 tons
07.05.09 ? volunteers 18 tons
01.04.10 300 volunteers 4 tons
04.0?.10 350 volunteers 3 tons
07.05.10 750 volunteers 20 tons
01.22.11 300 volunteers 4 tons
04.23.11 350 volunteers 7.5 tons
07.05.11 600 volunteers 15 tons
01.21.12 200 volunteers 6.5 tons
04.21.12 350 volunteers 4.5 tons
07.05.12 700 volunteers 10 tons
01.20.13 450 volunteers 3.5 tons
04.20.13 325 volunteers 3 tons
07.05.13 1000 volunteers 19 tons
01.18.14 250 volunteers 3 tons
04.20.14 . 450 Volunteers 7 tons
07.05.14 700 Volunteers 22 tons
01.15 250 volunteers 3 tons
04.15 350 Volunteers 6 tons
07.15 700 Volunteers 37 tons
07.15 700 Volunteers 37 tons
01.16 350 volunteers 6 tons
04.16 250 Volunteers 4 tons
07.16 500 Volunteers 22.5 tons
07.16 500 Volunteers 22.5 tons
01.17 200 volunteers 6 tons
04.17 250 Volunteers 4 tons
07.17 500 Volunteers 21 tons
01.18 200 Volunteers 2.5 tons
04.11.18 200 Volunteers 2.1 tons
07.05.18 620 Volunteers 20 tons
01.26.19 250 Volunteers 1.16 tons
04.20.19 200 Volunteers 2.5 tons
07.05.19 600 Volunteers 16.63 tons
07.05.21 Covid 40 tons
04. 23.22 250 Volunteers 2.5 tons
04.22.23 250 Volunteers 1.3 tons
To Date, 764,460 POUNDS equaling 382.23 TONS have been cleared off our beaches and out of our waters!
*work parties and our Adopt A Beach Groups (to who we are forever grateful) have cleaned sections of the beach from Beards Hollow to the North End nearly daily for years now, lowering the overall volume collected during organized group cleanups.