Volunteers are the backbone of the beach cleanup so we wanted to brag a
little about what a fantastic group we have, starting with the beach
Approach Coordinators and Soup Feed Crew. These dedicated individuals have
been with the GRGG for many years, some as long as 18 years and a few who
were there at the inception. Every beach approach needs coordination and
this includes welcoming volunteers to the cleanup with bags, grabbers, etc.,
signing them in and pointing them in the right direction to maximize the
volunteer power on the beach. Coordinating includes all kinds of unseen
little and not-so-little jobs to make sure each approach and volunteer is
taken care of.
The second volunteer group we are featuring in this post is our wonderful
Soup Feed Crew. This group makes delicious homemade soups, like split pea,
chowder, and chili, from scratch. They get rave reviews from far and wide
on the excellent soup and quality spread they put on for all the volunteers.
In addition to the great soups, these people spend time gathering donations
of other yummy food items from generous local businesses. The soup feed is a
fantastic way to end the cleanup.

GRGG has hundreds of volunteers we need to thank, so please keep your eyes
on this site and we will continue to feature these dedicated people. If you
have a specific cleanup volunteer you would like to see featured, send Wendy
a message with info and photos to: wendy@ourbeach.org.