What Volume of Trash are We Talking about?

It takes eveyone in the community to keep the length of the Long Beach Peninsula clean

01.19.02    12 volunteers     840 lbs
04.06.02    36 volunteers   1,890 lbs
07.07.02    50 volunteers   4 tons
01.18. 03   100 volunteers  1 ton
04.25.03    200 volunteers  4 tons
07.06.03    300 volunteers  6 tons
01.23.04    130 volunteers  3 tons
04.25.04    150 volunteers  4 tons
07.05.04    400 volunteers  8 tons
01.15.05    100 volunteers  3 tons
04.23.05    150 volunteers  2.5 tons
07.05.05    200 volunteers  7.5 tons
01.21.06    150 volunteers  5 tons
04.22.06    250 volunteers  4 tons
07.05.06    350 volunteers  4.5 tons
01.13.07    135 volunteers  3.0 tons
04.21.07    150 volunteers  3.25 tons0
07.05.07    500 volunteers  10 tons
01.26.08    200 volunteers  2 tons
04.26.08    300 volunteers  2.8 tons
07.05.08    700+volunteers 17.5 tons
01.31.09    425 volunteers 7.75 tons                                                                                              04.28.09    450 volunteers 7                                                                                                                 07.05.09    500 volunteers 15                                                                                                       01.23.10    400vol/7tons  4.21.10:300vol/ tons       7.5.10: 750Vol/   

1.21.11:  vol/ tons  4.21.11: 350vol/4tons   7.5.11:600vol/15tons

2002 = 7 tons      2005 = 13 tons
2003 = 11 tons    2006 = 13.5 tons
2004 = 15 tons    2007 = 16.5 tons
2008 = 22.3 tons  2009 = 30 tons

It can be difficult to realize the volume of garbage we are dealing with on our beach...........
One person, one mile, on foot, collected over 750 pieces, in 3 hours on 2/17/02  just north of Ocean Park Washington.

This first photo contains plastics consisting of a very large planter, 5 gal bucket marked Mobile, 2 5 gal bucket lids, 2 4 foot long piping, Frisbee, large ship grid/lid, cargo hole lid, large rectangular container, 1 1/2 small planters, 4 beach clam buckets, 8 large pieces of plastic, 4 ship light covers, 6 large food containers, 3 food container lids, 8x2plastic wheel, 2 melted plastic composites, a plastic spool, 7 plastic grids/racks & pieces, a large plastic handle, folded sheeting, black filter, small mat, 2 pieces 16 inch round red ball/float?, a caulking container, 5 inch gutter piece, 14 inch plastic pipe, 2 large pieces plastic lids, a large lid, 16 pieces of float, 6 10 inch tubing, a rectangular bottle, 47 water/juice bottles, 16 plastic strapping sections & a few small caps.

The second photo is of plastics consisting of 13 firework parts, 67 plastic bottle/can caps, 2 corks, 2 toothbrushes, 1 umbrella handle, 5 small ship light covers, 4 small plastic grid pieces, 24 food containers/parts/lids, a plastic drinking glass, 21 medicine bottles, a small liquor bottle, 2 deodorant sticks, 3 lighters, 9 plastic handles/parts of handles, 14 broken off bottle necks, and 174 small, unidentified plastic pieces.

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