A small, friendly group of full and part time residents in Ocean Park, Washington, we volunteer time and talents to tackle garbage on the ocean beaches of the Long Beach Peninsula. We call ourselves the Grass Roots Garbage Gang for a simple reason. We are definitely grass roots, all volunteers of all ages, means and backgrounds, utilizing the talents we have, learning as we go, and very clear about our direction and mission. Started in November, 2001, we are young, and growing. We believe we can make a difference using all talents and resources available.
Our ultimate goal is a truly pristine beach that our whole community can be proud of.
The topic of beach litter is not pretty and it is not fun. With community support, however, we believe there are viable solutions that can be sustained over the long haul. Working through the community of engaged individuals, governments, businesses, community service clubs, schools and marine industries, we will mitigate litter making and facilitate litter collection and disposal.
Why tackle garbage
1. Beauty The Pacific Ocean and the columbia River are beautiful natural resources to be protected, not abused with uncontrolled littering. A clean ocean beach is beautiful.
2. Health and Safety There are health and safety concerns for human beach goers, marine wildlife and the beach environment. Plastics are the most notorious for marine wildlife destruction. For example, the large, heavy mil plastic bags dumped at sea can cover a 4 ft sq area of sand the stops food supply to the razor clam sanded below.
3. Community Pride and Tourism Everyone wins when beaches are clean and safe. Visitors to our Peninsula expect to enjoy the ocean beaches. Garbage has a very negative impact upon visitors who ponder why this community tolerates such dumping. They can walk away, never to return.
4. Disposal is Habit Forming We are creatures of habits, good and bad. Once we can break the bad habit of littering, we see a safer and healthier environment for all to enjoy.
Current grass root activities
The Grass Roots Garbage Gang is currently engaged the following volunteer activities:
Individual members collecting garbage on a routine basis whenever possible.
Encouraging all beach goers in the community to pitch in and collect while on the beach.
Conducting quarterly community beach clean ups to cover as much beach as possible.
Educating the community about our litter problem through all communications channels; including an inviting web site, handouts and posters, and group presentations.
Working with local government, business, community service groups to define ways that the community can contribute, such as tote bags distributed for major beach events.
Working with marine industries in our community to reduce dumping.
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